I had an adventure while cleaning the restaurant last night.
The restrooms have air fresheners that get changed every couple of months. I guess they got changed yesterday, because when I walked in to the women's restroom I almost passed out. The smell was awful! It was so strong, I could feel it in my lungs. It was almost like Vick's Vapo Rub, but with a hint of poo. Yuck.
I propped the door open with the wet floor sign so I could breathe.

When that wasn't enough, I used a mask. I felt sexy.

Sadly, as I was cleaning, I slipped and hit my hand on the door. For some reason, I hit it just right to make my thumb bleed. It was owwie. :(

It's okay, though. My husband kissed it better and I got a Wolverine band-aid. :D

After we finished cleaning, we went home and had soup and corn muffins with hot chocolate. Yay! <3
The end!