Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mop Top

The mop I've used for the last few months got a little ragged. I'm happy to say, I managed to get a new mop head!

Of course I had to play with it before securing it to the pole. Hee hee.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Sometimes Scary

My husband has some friends who rent out the apartments that are under the restaurant. They're awesome guys, and a lot of fun. When we started cleaning the restaurant back in November, they weren't aware. Well, one of them at least. See, he's a truck driver, and not always in town.

One night we were doing our rounds. I heard a noise down the stairs and went to investigate. It was one of Mark's friend, and he'd been drinking. It's not a bad thing, really. He's a lot of fun. But, if you scare him, he'll come. And he did. With his gun.

Yeah that was scary, but the other guy got to him, too. No worries. It was all good. Just part of life cleaning the restaurant. :]

Thursday, February 10, 2011

TP Suga'

Sorry for lack of updates. The computer was out of commission for a bit. Bleh. But, it has returned!

We went to clean the restaurant. I always seem to find some awesome surprises. This time, I found sweetner on the MEN'S bathroom toiletpaper dispenser.