Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Week Review

Well, things are winding down after that car fiasco. We got ourselves a beautiful 2004 Toyota Camry. Sadly, we had to sell our Dodge Stratus. When we went to get our stuff out of it... we found out how dirty that car was. I didn't realize how bad it had gotten. ha ha. So many reciepts, empty soda bottles, and wrappers. So fun. The car dudes said we could leave it messy. I still felt bad...

The night after we got the new car, we went to clean the restaurant and found a little pair of shorts. Ha ha! Some little boy went pantsless! I laughed for ten minutes. It was good to relieve stress. :)

A few days later I got the coolest tip ever at work.

It's a ten dollar bill shaped like a heart with a quarter in it! AHHHH so cool. I felt special.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saaaad times.

I feel lame for not posting that much lately. Not a lot has been happening...

Stephanie is having me not come 'cause they're having some difficulties. And, the restaurant hasn't been busy, so no silly stories. LAME! Ha ha.

Also... my husband and I recently endured something so difficult, it made me cry. Our car stalled on me yesterday when I was going to visit my dad at his work. It stalled on a busy street in Orem, which was soooo scary. Yeah, I cried. Smoke was billowing out from under my hood. Some people immediately pulled over to help me. I was so grateful. I was embarassed for crying, but what can you do. Ha ha. This one guy towed me to a safer place. It was nice. My dad came and rode with me to the car place when my insurance peeps sent a tow truck. Lovely.

Blown gasket.... no more Dodge Stratus. Sad. The worst part? We're flat broke right now. Suck. It's $1700 to fix, which is $200 more than what I paid for the entire car. We're selling it to the fixit guy and going with a new car.


Worse things could have happened. I'm grateful for my trials.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I had an adventure while cleaning the restaurant last night.

The restrooms have air fresheners that get changed every couple of months. I guess they got changed yesterday, because when I walked in to the women's restroom I almost passed out. The smell was awful! It was so strong, I could feel it in my lungs. It was almost like Vick's Vapo Rub, but with a hint of poo. Yuck.

I propped the door open with the wet floor sign so I could breathe.

When that wasn't enough, I used a mask. I felt sexy.

Sadly, as I was cleaning, I slipped and hit my hand on the door. For some reason, I hit it just right to make my thumb bleed. It was owwie. :(

It's okay, though. My husband kissed it better and I got a Wolverine band-aid. :D

After we finished cleaning, we went home and had soup and corn muffins with hot chocolate. Yay! <3

The end!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sticky nastyness.

I went to work at the restaurant yesterday. You know, like I do almost every day. Something always seems to be breaking. This time it was the soda machine.

The Dr. Pepper pump went caput. What you see to your left is the syrup for the machine, extremely sticky and thick and bleck.

Guess who had to clean it up? MEEEE! :D