Thursday, June 7, 2012

Parking lot woes

The restaurant has a lame parking lot.  It's lame because it's conastantly driven over with semi's and people who insist on dragging around boats and trailers all over it.  So, it's not very stable.  Dirt collects over time from the wind and one day my friend Monica and I decided to move that dirt.

Problem; the wheel barrow had a flat.  Solution; do it anyway.

Problem; the second Monica put the last shovel full of dirt on top, it toppled over.

Good job, Mon.  You made a mess.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The pie!

Back in December I killed an innocent pumpkin pie.  I swear it was not my fault.  I had had a migraine the night before and had taken some pretty awesome pain killers that made me awesome the next morning... and during my shift.  I ended up shoving a tray of salads in to a slot that it didn't fit in to... and I basically squished the pie against the wall.

Poor dear.  We flattened it out, covered it in whipped cream, and served that sucker.  ;)

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Scary, scary thing.

Recently the restaurant put in automatic towel dispensers.  I'm still not used to them.  One night I leaned over to change the liner in the trash and a towel shot out at me.  I nearly hit my head on the sink it scared me so bad.  I ran to my husband and told him what happened.  He laughed for the rest of the evening.  That's love, ladies and gentlemen.  :P

Thursday, May 31, 2012


OH my gosh I'm coming  BACK in to the blogging picture.

What's new?  Well, Mark and I still clean the restaurant every night and I always end up finding the most ridiculous things.  Um... recently I came across a used catheter.  OH MY LAND I was royally grossed out.