I clean Stephanie and Spencer's house every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
Sure enough, when I got to Steph's house today, it was a wreck. Clothes everywhere, food all over the floor, dishes piled high in the sink, toys under the couch and behind the cushions. It was beautiful.
Stephanie left with Parker soon after I arrived. I got to work right away and started with the dishes. Nothing too bad, actually. Usually there's some nasty food left rotting at the bottom, but this time it was clear. I joyfully filled the dishwasher, hit start, and went on my merry way.
Next I threw in some laundry to wash. I found some of Kristen's pajamas, which was covered in poop. It was pretty gross. I swallowed my pride, and scraped off the nasty dried on feces. Tasty, I know.
So, the floor. It was covered in cruched up chips, crackers, cookies, candy, and of course, toys. Before I could begin with that, I had to clear the counters. I had to peel a K-Mart ad off of the counter, then scrape off the pieces that had stuck like glue. I also had to clean icing off of the kitchen table from when they made gingerbread houses together. Who makes gingerbread houses with two year olds? I dunno, but it was a mess.

That's a lot of crap.
Once the kitchen was done, it was time for the living room. A couple of weeks ago, the vacuum exploded when I tried to use it. I'll tell that story later. Steph got the vacuum fixed, but I was still hesatant to use it. I finally gathered up my courage and turned it on. Nothing bad happened. I was super glad.
My last act of awesome was to put away the clean dishes and re-load. However, when I reached for the sprayer, the nozle popped off and water sprayed all over me and the kitchen. It was like one of those movie moments where all hell has broken loose, the main character is screaming in a hilarious manner, and everything that shouldn't get wet... does. I dove for the faucet and slammed it off. Water dripped from the cabinets and the oven. I was also soaked from head to toe. I stood in shock for a few seconds before busting up laughing. I laughed all the way down the hall. I laughed as I grabbed one of Stephanie's shirt's. I laughed when I looked in the mirror. I even laughed when I threw my shirt in the dryer.
I was not giving up on those dishes. I stupidly turned the water back on. A water spout shot up and hit the ceiling. I screamed and shut it off. Just then, Stephanie walked in. She laughed as I retold the story. She duct taped the sprayer, and then sent me on my way since my four hours were up. She's good to me.
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