It's another normal day (okay, night). My husband and I were going over to the restaurant to do the cleaning at 11pm. The restaurant closes at 9pm... yet all of the lights were still on. We also noticed there was a limo in the parking lot. Confused, I called my boss.
Apparently there were customers who were there, she said. She also told me it was okay to go over there to clean. So we packed up and went.
A nice woman and an older gentleman were the only ones left. They were just leaving, actually. They were very polite, saying that the woman's son had thrown up in the restroom. My boss was very gracious, and told them to have a good evening. The woman said, "It was great to see you again." before she left.
"Who was that?" I asked the minute the door closed.
My boss smiled. "That was Larry King's wife."
I paused for a moment. "Okay, wait... Larry King? THE Larry King?"
She nodded.
I laughed. "Well okay then!"
So yeah, my husband and I cleaned the restaurant, both thinking about how incredibly random it was to have Shawn King there. Apparently she and her family have eaten there before. Bahahaha! I was flabbergasted.
Yeah, if that wasn't enough shock, the men's room was so awesomely gross. Mrs. King had managed to clean up most of the nastyness, but there was still plenty of aftershock. The kid had managed to get his barf on the floor, the walls, the toilet, the toilet paper dispenser, the stall door, and even in the next stall over. It was pink... and sticky. Ha ha! My first reaction was, "Gah!". My husband said, "I gotta see this" and ran over to see. His second reaction was, "I need a drink." "Me too!" I said. I got some Dr. Pepper, and he got some rootbeer. We toasted our weird life, and drank deeply.
It was awesome.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time of death- 8:25pm
Date of death- December 6th, 2010
Cause of death- Falling off cliff
SUSPECTED ACCOMPLICE- Worchestershire Sauce
I admit. I did it. :) Busy rush at work. I had five of these bad boys in my arms. One slipped. I tried to catch it with my foot. Fat lot of good that did. Ha ha.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
The Vacuum! THE VACUUM!
"Stephanie! Your vacuum exploded when I was using it! I'm sorry!"
"Wait, what happened?"
"Well I plugged it in, and it didn't work...
"Then, I un plugged it and tried again."
"It blew up. For real."
"Wait, like, blew up blew up?"
"Well, there was a big spark in the outlet, and a big spark on the floor, and when I looked own, the cord was in two pieces and there was a black mark on the linolium."
"Oh my word! Are you hurt? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, everything is fine. I just wanted to let you know that your carpet is going to be dirty today."
True story.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

My house is surrounded by kitties. They live off of the dumpster food from the restaurant. Apparently, they also live off of what people leave me for Christmas!
A friend of mine left cookies on my doorstep. I was excited to find this out. It made me feel special. Sadly, the cats got to them first. I came home to a mangled paper plate and torn up aluminum foil. It made me sad.
Oh well. Tis the season!!!!!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Black Hole
Sometimes when I'm at work, there are absolutely no customers. My boss wants us to constantly be doing something. We usually clean stuffs. I chose to clean out the black hole under one of the counters.
It was full of treasure! I found soufle cups, portion cups, nasy old lemon wedges, a blob of old honey butter, a missing lid that was certainly needed, and a whole lot of crums. It was special. I even documented it.
It was full of treasure! I found soufle cups, portion cups, nasy old lemon wedges, a blob of old honey butter, a missing lid that was certainly needed, and a whole lot of crums. It was special. I even documented it.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Little Red Car
My husband and I needed to empty the vacuum. It was way past due.
Upon dumping out the cartrage, I noticed something odd. I don't usually pick through garbage, but I couldn't resist. One of us, probably me, had managed to vacuum up a red toy car.
Yeah, wierd. Why wasn't it noticed? Search me.
Upon dumping out the cartrage, I noticed something odd. I don't usually pick through garbage, but I couldn't resist. One of us, probably me, had managed to vacuum up a red toy car.
Yeah, wierd. Why wasn't it noticed? Search me.

Friday, December 17, 2010
I didn't get to clean Steph's house yesterday. She said I wasn't needed. I felt sad about this, but moved on. Ha ha.
I did clean the restaurant, as I usually do, with my husband. Apparently some people don't know how to not throw their garbage on the ground. I found so many straw wrappers, I could have made an entire tree. Or when parent's let their kids have the basket of crackers. I swear no cracker is consumed, just crunched up and thrown on the ground.
That remindes me of when I was serving a table of fifteen a few years ago (it happened to be April Fool's Day). The parents of a two year old weren't paying any attention to her. She was running all around me while I was trying to pass out drinks. I had one drink left on my tray when she ran right in to me, causing me to tip the tray. Dr. Pepper and ice dumped all over the little girl's head. She froze in her tracks, absolutely stunned. I was shocked. I wanted to laugh so much, but I didn't want to offend my customers.
The entire table errupted with laughter. The girl's mom picked her up and started to wipe her down with a napkin, laughing in the process. I relaxed and cleaned up the random ice on the ground. The only person mad at me was my boss.
Yeah, I'll never forget that mess. It was hilarious!
I did clean the restaurant, as I usually do, with my husband. Apparently some people don't know how to not throw their garbage on the ground. I found so many straw wrappers, I could have made an entire tree. Or when parent's let their kids have the basket of crackers. I swear no cracker is consumed, just crunched up and thrown on the ground.
That remindes me of when I was serving a table of fifteen a few years ago (it happened to be April Fool's Day). The parents of a two year old weren't paying any attention to her. She was running all around me while I was trying to pass out drinks. I had one drink left on my tray when she ran right in to me, causing me to tip the tray. Dr. Pepper and ice dumped all over the little girl's head. She froze in her tracks, absolutely stunned. I was shocked. I wanted to laugh so much, but I didn't want to offend my customers.
The entire table errupted with laughter. The girl's mom picked her up and started to wipe her down with a napkin, laughing in the process. I relaxed and cleaned up the random ice on the ground. The only person mad at me was my boss.
Yeah, I'll never forget that mess. It was hilarious!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The bigger the stall...
Mark and I clean the restaurant that we live by every night after it closes. I usually clean the bathrooms. I've come to discover that the stall that's the worst to clean is the handicapped stall. I don't know why. I'm not saying it's because handicapped people have anything to do with it. I know for a fact that my boss prefers the extra space.
It's just... I can't believe the things I see sometimes. People tend to miss the toilet! I mean, come on! I had to scrub nastyness off of the back of the toilet, and off of the wall. Yes, the wall. Ick ick ick. I told my husband. He was speechless, giving me a funny look. Finally he said, "I need a drink", and proceeded to get some rootbeer. I just laughed. He's so silly.
It's just... I can't believe the things I see sometimes. People tend to miss the toilet! I mean, come on! I had to scrub nastyness off of the back of the toilet, and off of the wall. Yes, the wall. Ick ick ick. I told my husband. He was speechless, giving me a funny look. Finally he said, "I need a drink", and proceeded to get some rootbeer. I just laughed. He's so silly.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Water Spout
I couldn't put my finger on it... but somehow I knew today was going to be one of those days.
I clean Stephanie and Spencer's house every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
Sure enough, when I got to Steph's house today, it was a wreck. Clothes everywhere, food all over the floor, dishes piled high in the sink, toys under the couch and behind the cushions. It was beautiful.
Stephanie left with Parker soon after I arrived. I got to work right away and started with the dishes. Nothing too bad, actually. Usually there's some nasty food left rotting at the bottom, but this time it was clear. I joyfully filled the dishwasher, hit start, and went on my merry way.
Next I threw in some laundry to wash. I found some of Kristen's pajamas, which was covered in poop. It was pretty gross. I swallowed my pride, and scraped off the nasty dried on feces. Tasty, I know.
So, the floor. It was covered in cruched up chips, crackers, cookies, candy, and of course, toys. Before I could begin with that, I had to clear the counters. I had to peel a K-Mart ad off of the counter, then scrape off the pieces that had stuck like glue. I also had to clean icing off of the kitchen table from when they made gingerbread houses together. Who makes gingerbread houses with two year olds? I dunno, but it was a mess.

That's a lot of crap.
Once the kitchen was done, it was time for the living room. A couple of weeks ago, the vacuum exploded when I tried to use it. I'll tell that story later. Steph got the vacuum fixed, but I was still hesatant to use it. I finally gathered up my courage and turned it on. Nothing bad happened. I was super glad.
My last act of awesome was to put away the clean dishes and re-load. However, when I reached for the sprayer, the nozle popped off and water sprayed all over me and the kitchen. It was like one of those movie moments where all hell has broken loose, the main character is screaming in a hilarious manner, and everything that shouldn't get wet... does. I dove for the faucet and slammed it off. Water dripped from the cabinets and the oven. I was also soaked from head to toe. I stood in shock for a few seconds before busting up laughing. I laughed all the way down the hall. I laughed as I grabbed one of Stephanie's shirt's. I laughed when I looked in the mirror. I even laughed when I threw my shirt in the dryer.
I was not giving up on those dishes. I stupidly turned the water back on. A water spout shot up and hit the ceiling. I screamed and shut it off. Just then, Stephanie walked in. She laughed as I retold the story. She duct taped the sprayer, and then sent me on my way since my four hours were up. She's good to me.
I clean Stephanie and Spencer's house every Tuesday and Thursday from 10:30am to 2:30pm.
Sure enough, when I got to Steph's house today, it was a wreck. Clothes everywhere, food all over the floor, dishes piled high in the sink, toys under the couch and behind the cushions. It was beautiful.
Stephanie left with Parker soon after I arrived. I got to work right away and started with the dishes. Nothing too bad, actually. Usually there's some nasty food left rotting at the bottom, but this time it was clear. I joyfully filled the dishwasher, hit start, and went on my merry way.
Next I threw in some laundry to wash. I found some of Kristen's pajamas, which was covered in poop. It was pretty gross. I swallowed my pride, and scraped off the nasty dried on feces. Tasty, I know.
So, the floor. It was covered in cruched up chips, crackers, cookies, candy, and of course, toys. Before I could begin with that, I had to clear the counters. I had to peel a K-Mart ad off of the counter, then scrape off the pieces that had stuck like glue. I also had to clean icing off of the kitchen table from when they made gingerbread houses together. Who makes gingerbread houses with two year olds? I dunno, but it was a mess.

That's a lot of crap.
Once the kitchen was done, it was time for the living room. A couple of weeks ago, the vacuum exploded when I tried to use it. I'll tell that story later. Steph got the vacuum fixed, but I was still hesatant to use it. I finally gathered up my courage and turned it on. Nothing bad happened. I was super glad.
My last act of awesome was to put away the clean dishes and re-load. However, when I reached for the sprayer, the nozle popped off and water sprayed all over me and the kitchen. It was like one of those movie moments where all hell has broken loose, the main character is screaming in a hilarious manner, and everything that shouldn't get wet... does. I dove for the faucet and slammed it off. Water dripped from the cabinets and the oven. I was also soaked from head to toe. I stood in shock for a few seconds before busting up laughing. I laughed all the way down the hall. I laughed as I grabbed one of Stephanie's shirt's. I laughed when I looked in the mirror. I even laughed when I threw my shirt in the dryer.
I was not giving up on those dishes. I stupidly turned the water back on. A water spout shot up and hit the ceiling. I screamed and shut it off. Just then, Stephanie walked in. She laughed as I retold the story. She duct taped the sprayer, and then sent me on my way since my four hours were up. She's good to me.
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